Climate/Ocean Sciences |
Lectures in Physical Oceanography [pdf] Course: Ocean Sciences, MSc Atmospheric Sciences, University of Pune - Ocean, Origin, Geology, Geography, Topography
- Temperature, Salinity, Density and Oxygen – horizontal/vertical
- Mixed Layer, Water Masses
- General Circulation of the Oceans – thermohaline Circulation – wind driven circulation
- Upper ocean processes, heat fluxes
The Indian Monsoon [pdf]- Past: History of Monsoon
- Present: The Monsoon we know/live
– Driving mechanisms and factors – Variability: Interannual, Intraseasonal, etc. - Monsoon Modeling
- Role of Ocean on the Monsoon
- Future: Changing Climate and the Monsoon
- Monsoon 2014
a. Interaction of Asian Monsoon and Global Oceans, in a Changing Climateb. Monsoon Modeling [pdf] |
SST-precipitation relationship, and the role of ocean in influencing the summer monsoon [pdf] |
Climate Data Analysis Tools |
Lecture on Climate Data [pdf] Delivered as part of the University of Pennsylvania CASI Data Seminar Series, organized by Rukmini S. |
Lecture on Climate Data Analysis and Visualization using CDO and Ferret [pdf] |
Lecture on Linux/Unix in Climate Research [pdf] |