Weather in and around the Indian Ocean/Subcontinent
Source: Indian Meteorological Department, REMSS/TMI/SSMI/WindSat, NOAA and Univ. Wisconsin
[php]$current_year = date(‘Y’);[/php]
[php]$current_month = date(‘m’);[/php]
[php]$current_monthn = date(‘n’);[/php]
[php]$current_day = date(‘d’);[/php]
[php]$current_date = date(‘Ynd’);[/php]
[php]$last_saturday = date(‘Y_m_d’, strtotime(“last Saturday”));[/php]
[php]$last_wednesday = date(‘Ymd’, strtotime(“-2 weeks Wednesday”));[/php]
Latest Weather observations and analysis
1. Low level clouds
2. Quantitative precipitation estimate, Half Hourly.
3. OLR half hourly, at GMT. IST=GMT+5:30hrs
4. Mean Sea Level Pressure over India 00 hrs and Forecast
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5. 850 hPa Winds over India 00 hrs and Forecast
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6. IMD Rainfall forecast
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7. IMD 1 week forecast
8. IMD cumulative state rainfall map for the season
9. SST anomalies, weekly
10. SST anomalies
11. Wind Vectors, weekly