Loksatta— अतितीव्र चक्रीवादळाने पाच राज्यांची किनारपट्टी ओलांडणे दुर्मीळ, 20 May 2021 [article]
Pudhari, Front Page—अरबी समुद्रात | भविष्यात वादळे येतच राहतील हवामान डॉ. कौल यांचा सल्ला, 18 May 2021 [frontpage] [inside]
Cyclone Tauktae: Why Is Arabian Sea Transforming Into Fresh Cyclone Hotbed? What Can We Do? Article by Roxy Mathew Koll at The Weather Channel.
Zeroing In
Glimpses into the life, fun, opportunities, and challenges of a scientist. Dr. Roxy Mathew Koll talks about diversity@work, science communication, climate action and IPCC experience, work-lifestyle, kids and students. And how we’re star-dust and ocean-drops at the same time.
Among the Top 2% Scientists
Dr. Roxy Mathew Koll is among the list of Top 2% Scientists published by Stanford University. Below is the list of scientists from India in Climate Sciences, for 2019. The list is based on standardized citation indications and includes information such as the number of citations, authorship, and a composite indicator. Link to the publication and the data (Table S7 for 2019): https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000384
The Second World Ocean Assessment
The Second World Ocean Assessment, Volume 2, Chapter 9, Pressures from Changes in Climate and Atmosphere.Garcia-Soto, C., D. Breitburg, M. Campillos, P. Castillo-Briceno, S. Chiba, M. Collins, G. Esnaola, K. Evans, L. B. Firth, T. Frölicher, J. M. Hall-Spencer, D. Halpern, K . L. Hunter, G. Ibarra, S-Y. Kim, M. K. Roxy, K. McInnes, J. Saenz, C. T. Vu, B. Ward and T. Zielinski, 2021, Chapter 9, Pressures from Changes in Climate and Atmosphere. The Second World Ocean Assessment, Volume 2, United Nations [pdf].