A month’s rain in three days – Kerala Floods, BBC Radio
Interview with Roland Pease of BBC Radio, Science in Action Series. Starts at 0:53.
Roxy Koll, Climate Scientist at IITM, Pune and NRC Visiting Scientist at PMEL/NOAA, is interviewed on BBC World Service “Science In Action” discussing the widespread flooding in Kerala. Dr. Koll’s research has shown that monsoons have been getting weaker, delivering less rain on average, while extreme floods, have paradoxically become much more common.
IPCC SROCC Third Lead Author Meeting at Lanzhou, China, Jul 2018
The IPCC authors met at Lanzhou in China to prepare the Second Order Draft (SOD) of the Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC). Roxy Mathew Koll is dealing with the chapter on extremes and abrupt changes in the ocean, and managing the risks.
Yuva Pratibha Award, Apr 2018
Pulikunnel Foundation “Yuva Pratibha” Award, handed over by former Supreme Court Judge, Justice K. T. Thomas.
Vineet wins the Best Poster Award at the IMS Annual Monsoon Workshop, Pune, Mar 2018
Congrats to Vineet Kumar – the cyclone guy – from our Climate Lab team for the best poster award at the IMS Monsoon Workshop. The study looked into the ocean-atmosphere conditions which determined the track and sudden intensification of cyclone Ockhi.
IndOOS Review at Jakarta, Indonesia, Mar 2018
The decadal review of the Indian Ocean Observation System (IndOOS) was held at Jakarta, Indonesia, during 18-23 March 2018. The review evaluated the climate variability and changes in the Indian Ocean, and proposed a revision of the observation network to address emerging scientific issues. The review was held along with the IIOE-2/SIBER/IOGOOS meetings and the 14th Annual Meeting of the Indian Ocean Region Panel, co-chaired by Roxy Mathew Koll.
IPCC SROCC Second Lead Author Meeting at Quito, Ecuador, Feb 2018
The IPCC authors met at Quito in Ecuador to develop the Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC). Roxy Mathew Koll is dealing with the chapter on extremes and abrupt changes in the ocean, and managing the risks. The meeting in Quito, the second of four lead author meetings for the report, will lead to the preparation of the First Order Draft which will be circulated for expert review in May 2018. The report will be finalized in September 2019.
Co-Chair of the CLIVAR Indian Ocean Region Panel
Roxy Mathew Koll takes charge as the Co-Chair of the CLIVAR Indian Ocean Region Panel for the period 2018-2021. The CLIVAR Panel provides scientific and technical oversight for implementation of the sustained ocean observing system for the Indian Ocean and coordinates research on the role of the Indian Ocean on the climate system. Roxy will serve the CLIVAR panel along with Co-Chair Prof. Lisa Beal of Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami.